Cobalt Chloride Solution

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cobalt chloride solution is a blue to pink liquid. It is used as an indicator for water in silica gels and desiccants, to make sealants and adhesives, and as a source of vitamin B12.

It has a wide range of industrial applications: absorbent for ammonia; gas masks; electroplating hygrometers; manufacture of vitamin B12; solid lubricant; dye mordant; fertilizer additive; foam stubilizer in beer; and in grinding processes where cobalt is dissolved in machine coolants. It is also a therapeutic agent, and it was formerly used to treat hyperthyroidism.

Toxic: Anorexia, vomiting and diarrhoea; flushing of the face, extremities, throat, ears, eyes and nose; precordial pain; cardiomyopathy; tinnitus; tempoary nerve deafness; renal injury; diffuse thyroid enlargement (Taylor and Marks, 1978); polycythaemia (Domingo, 1989).

Toxicity in animals has included increased body weight, altered food consumption and hematological measurement, decreased red blood cell production, alveolar damage, and cardiac and respiratory damage. Male rats exposed orally to the chemical for three weeks had cardiac damage, while mice exposed daily for 13 weeks developed pulmonary alveolitis and testicular degeneration.

Ingestion of a single oral dose of cobalt chloride in male fischer 344 rats caused a triphasic blood cobalt concentration-time curve. The peak absorption occurred 3.2 hr after the oral dose and was followed by an elimination phase with a half-life of 3.9 hr and a terminal elimination half-life of 22.9 hr. In addition, 10% of the dose was excreted in the feces. In contrast, a corresponding single intravenous injection of the same cobalt chloride solution showed no significant effect on blood cobalt concentration.