Corrotherm Aluminum Molybdenum Alloy

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Corrotherm supplies a wide range of metal alloys which combine several elements to offer useful properties for various applications. Some of these include molybdenum, which is commonly found in alloys that are used in a range of industries.

Incorporation into alloys

One of the most common uses for molybdenum is in alloying to high strength and superalloys. This material has many advantages, including good thermal and electrical conductivity as well as excellent ductility.

A number of the alloys that are supplied by Corrotherm include molybdenum as a key component, including INCONEL alloy 625, which contains around 8-10% molybdenum. This alloy offers excellent strength and corrosion resistance in a wide range of severe corrosive environments.

The molybdenum content also gives the alloy excellent corrosion resistance in seawater and brine, as well as a number of reducing acids including sulfuric acid. This makes it a popular choice for applications where corrosion is the main issue.

aluminum molybdenum alloy

American Elements carries an extensive inventory of aluminum molybdenum alloy, which is available in a variety of forms including bar, ingot, ribbon, wire, shot, sheet and foil. These are generally immediately available in most volumes.

Typical grades of the metal are Mil Spec (military grade), ACS, Reagent and Technical Grade, Food, Agricultural and Pharmaceutical Grade, as well as Optical Grade. AE Alloys(tm) also sells the metal in a range of standard and custom packaging options.

In addition to being a key component in alloying, molybdenum is a catalyst active in hydrogen evolution. This is a common property of noble metals and is attributed to the fact that the alloying of a precious metal can affect the hydrogen adsorption energy on the substrate, which in turn can increase the hydrogen evolution activity of the resulting catalyst.